How I motivate myself to study

1. Use Vaseline over your eyelids while studying late at night. It will help you to avoid sleep.

2. Remove all the wall clocks & hand watches from room & try not to look at any machine which shows time. This will help you to study according to your mood, not according to the time table or clock.

3. Change your sitting position after some interval of time.

4. Drink a lot of water while studying.

5. Turn off mobile notifications & put your phone on silent.

6. Play music in mild volume while you're tired & frustrated.

7. Avoid studying lying on the bed.

8. When tired (after school or college) do unnecessary works like writing lab copy, assignments.

9. When feeling sleepy at midnight, wash your face using facewash which contains menthol or some cooling particles. It helps to vanish your sleep magically.

10. Avoid coffee at midnight because it boosts you for some time but after that, you will feel sleepy which is more dominating than before.

11. Turn off your room AC if you want to work late at night.

12. Need to memories within a very short span of time? Eat chocolate while studying. Research says chocolate helps to remember things faster.

13. Use old books instead of using a new one. It gives you a feeling that someone had already finished this so this might be easy or achievable.

14. Avoid using eBooks, instead, use hard copies.

15. Watching porn won't refresh your mind instead it will drain your energy.

16. Calling your best friend might help to reduce stress.

17. Mark book pages with color pens. It helps you to remember that red marked formula, that important line or word.

18. Use flow charts while memorizing procedures.

19. Chill & think. You can discover a lot of tricks.

Tip - never ever send messages to your crush when studying.

हिंदी में जानने के लिए विडियो को ध्यान से देखे

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